An Israeli Debate Over the Iran Deal?
Brodsky and Gideon Levy Disagree
by Matthew RJ Brodsky
CCTV America: The Heat
August 3, 2015
While efforts continue by President Obama and his administration to have U.S. lawmakers sign-on to the Iran nuclear deal, an epic battle is underway in Washington to kill it. Leading the charge is America's ally, Israel.
Although Obama is expected to prevail, the Israeli campaign presents some key questions: Is this a good deal or not for Israel? Could Israel's opposition to the deal be more about ceding power in the Middle East to a resurgent Iran than the potential for Iran having nuclear arms sometime in the future? Could a deal that makes Iran more of a player in the region be better for peace prospects involving Shias and Sunnis; also in the fight against the Islamic State? What will the implications of Israel's strong stand on this issue be for an already frayed relationship with the United States?
Matthew RJ Brodsky and Haaretz columnist, Gideon Levy, join Anand Naidoo on CCTV America's "The Heat." Brodsky explains that the Obama administration is turning to straw man arguments to sell the deal while trying to blame Israelis and Jews as obstructionists. He offers a false choice of accepting the deal or going to war while ignoring the many reasonable alternatives that have been offered. This is the most consequential U.S. foreign policy decision in decades and the White House is deceiving the American people--and the Israelis as well--as to what is inside the deal. Israel's political spectrum from Left to Right rejects this agreement and that is why they want Congress to vote it down.
For additional analysis, read Brodsky's "The Lexus and the Lemon" and "Of Canards and Straw Men."